I have circled roughly where I personally think the centre of interest is in each of the photos. In the picture of the beads and the shadow the first place look is where the light catches the beads with the bright colours.
Good work using your tablet to demonstrate the 'centre of interest'. your holiday work is on my blog - rule of thirds:) all based on the presentation I gave the class earlier on in the year. have a good holiday:)
I really love the use and colours of the bright coloured beads, them against the white background looks great. I like lighting and shadows used to make the beads look like lights is so cool! cant wait to see your folio finished! :)
Good work using your tablet to demonstrate the 'centre of interest'. your holiday work is on my blog - rule of thirds:) all based on the presentation I gave the class earlier on in the year. have a good holiday:)
ReplyDeleteRule of thirds homework please, it is on my blog and was your holiday homework:)
ReplyDeleteSorry Miss didnt see those comments :)
ReplyDeleteI really love the use and colours of the bright coloured beads, them against the white background looks great. I like lighting and shadows used to make the beads look like lights is so cool! cant wait to see your folio finished! :)